Body Worn Cameras
It will be the policy that body worn cameras will be employed by the officers of this department in a manner consistent with the provisions outlined in our policy as well as NJ Attorney General Law Enforcement Directive 2015-1 "Law Enforcement Directive Regarding Police Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) and Stored BWC Recordings".
These cameras are viewed as a valuable asset intended to assist department officers in the prosecution of certain offenders by augmenting an officer’s testimony with a video/audio record of the incident. Additionally, this equipment will enable department administrators to conduct periodic reviews of officer-citizen contacts for quality control purposes and will aid in the investigation of citizen complaints.
In June 2016, the Burlington Township Police Department initiated the deployment of body worn cameras in the field. All full-time officers are required to wear a body worn camera in their performance of their duties.
Pictured below are several photos that depict the cameras and how they may be worn by our personnel in the field.

Body Worn Cameras Policy
If anyone has any questions regarding the department’s use of body cameras, please contact Lt. Taylor Holba at